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This Blog is dedicated to know other side of fashion Industry in the sense "Sustainable Fashion" . As we all know, Fashion industry is very glamorous in all areas, we also need to know how fashion products are made and where it was made. Every human in this plant likes to be fashion and trendy. The term fashion means in certain point view, means "changing" so fashion is not constant. There are 6.1 billion human beings living in this planet, this numbers will grow soon with in few year. The most highlighted problem in the world right now is "sustainability",
In each and every sector business is focused on sustainability. To be sustain in business is a difficult task and making profit with it, is another super difficult task. Considering about fashion industry there are several revolution and changes are happened in last century, still its changes further more in future.
Fashion industry had made a hug change in luxury market and in mass market. In last century there is few industry and few brands compete with each to find their market share. Fashion industry change the face of the retail industry, to attract new customer and to hold the existing customer, shop and service is most important. Fashion retailers find this demand and applied to their brand and it is successful.
Following fashion industry retail strategy other retail industry adopted the same strategy. Industries like jewellery, hotel, restaurant,telecommunication, etc had changed their way of retail. In other words fashion retailing industry is the trend setter for whole retail industry.
As a whole picture fashion industry has positive and negative side. Most of the times new and media cover positive side of the fashion brand, In recent dedicates some media in offline cover the fashion issue, Thanks to digital media and social media where every one can publish their own news,some audience and media cover the scam of the brand and published in online.
Mostly the scams will be covered on how and where products are manufactured, which is almost rudimentary way of publishing news because the news is not complete in 360 degree. The news is just a part of the issue or problem, Some media will publish the actual happen along with their own idea about the problem. This is pretty good way of communicating the problems. But there is no enough audience to understand the problem in 360 degree. This blog try to give the whole picture of the fashion industry problem and solution to over come it.
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